Movie: "Las Garras Dei Lorelei", Actress: Silvia Tortosa (?), Rating: 3 out of 5
Movie: "The Pit And The Pendulum", Actress: Rona De Ricci, Rating: 3 out of 5
Movie: "Maciste In King Solomonīs Mines", Actress: Wandisa Guida, Rating: 3 out of 5
Series: "Highlander", Episode: "Comes A Horseman", Actress: Tracy Scoggins, Rating: 2 out of 5
Movie: "The Tingler", Actress: Pamela Lincoln, Rating: 3 out of 5
Serial: "Alarm Fuer Cobra 11", Episode: "Der Samurai", Actress: Alexandra Wilcke, Rating: 1 out of
Movie: "The Marine", Actress: Kelly Carlson, Rating: 2 out of 5
Series: "Sturm Der Liebe", Episode: ???, Actress: ???, Rating: 2 out of 5