Scan from an old german Sci-Fi book. Itīs about a 1939 Bela Lugosi movie called "The Gorilla"
Book about the movie "Forbidden Planet"
Movie still from "From Beyond The Grave"
Album "Deceptive Bends" by 10CC
Fantasy Art, Artist: Clyde Caldwell
From an article about "Star Wars Style" clothes
From an article about "The Specialist" (S. Stone)
Romantic Art (Artist : ???)
Photograph of a model kit
Model kit for "Forbidden Planet" movie
Sci-Fi Art (Gary Zuercher)
Horror Art (Artist unknown)
Book about the TV series "Baywatch"
Fantasy Art (probably B. Vallejo)
From a homemade "Dr. Who" movie
Dunno... the guy is a European popstar
Comic Art, Artist: Adam Hughes
Fantasy Art (Vincente Segrelles)
Fantasy Art (Artist unknown)